

Story Time

Starting with the player who drew this card, create a story one word at a time. For example, the first player might say "Once", the second player would continue "Once upon" and so on. The first player to miss a word or repeat the story incorrectly must drink and the round ends.

Question Master

You are now the "Question Master". Any time you ask another player a question, if that player answers it, they must drink.

Rhyme Time

Choose a word. Starting to the left, all players go around the circle saying words that rhyme with the original. No word can be said twice. The first player to fail to say a word or who says a word that doesn't rhyme must take a drink.

Rule Card

Create a new rule. Rules can be anything. If a player fails to follow the rule, they must drink. This rule remains in effect until another Rule Card is drawn. Note - a rule can be trumped by a wielder of an Asshole/God card.

Heads or Tails

Flip a coin. If it's Heads, take a drink. If it's Tails, give someone else a drink.


Stand on one foot until your next turn, or take one drink.

Drink 'Til Ya Die

Finish your drink.

Toilet Card

This card can be held and redeemed at any time in order to go to the bathroom.

Buddy System

Pick a buddy. When one drinks, so does their buddy until the next buddy system card is drawn


The last person to touch the floor after this card is drawn must drink.

Community Cup

Place an empty cup in the center of the circle. Any time this card (traditionally the King) is drawn, the drawer pours some of their own drink into the center cup. When the fourth card is drawn, that player must chug the contents of the center cup.

Suck and Blow

Take this card and suck it to your lips. Without using your hands, turn and pass the card to the player on your left and blow it on to their lips. Continue to pass the card around the circle until someone fails. The player who fails to pass it on has to drink.


Lick the back of the card and stick it to your forehead. For as long as the card is stuck there, you are an all-powerful cosmic genie. If someone knocks the card off, they must finish their own drink.


All players must switch places.